Voice analysis in ethnomusicology: De-mystifying Bulgarian singing
Interview Questions
Please answer these questions as best you can, either on this
document, or in a new one. Answers can be as short or as long as you
like, and if there is anything that you feel you cannot answer, leave
it blank. If you need clarification of any of the questions, please
contact me (refer to contact details on the interview consent
- Do you have any Bulgarian ancestry?
- What are your qualifications or what experience do you have in
this area? (For citation and bibliographic purposes)
- Please describe the areas of resonance in the body that are
experienced in the traditional Bulgarian singing style (e.g. resonance
in the chest area, or in certain facial cavities).
- Do you think the term "open-throat singing" is an appropriate
name for the Bulgarian singing style? If so, what does this mean
exactly? If not, is there another term that you use?
- Have you heard of the term "belting" in relation to singing? If
so, do you think this technique is incorporated in Bulgarian
- What position/s does the tongue have in Bulgarian singing?
(e.g. resting/back/forward/tense/loose)
- How is the larynx positioned in this singing style?
(e.g. high/low, relaxed/tense)
- How is the pharynx positioned in Bulgarian singing?
- How are the soft and hard palates incorporated in Bulgarian singing?
- What are the different vowel positions in Bulgarian singing?
- How is the jaw positioned in Bulgarian singing?
- Is nasality a factor in Bulgarian singing?
- How are "chest voice" and "head voice" employed in Bulgarian
singing? Do these terms exist, and if not, what are the names for
these voices?
- How is the breath managed in this style?
- Are there particular Bulgarian terms for different ways of
singing and different timbres? What are they and what do they
- How wide can the vocal range extend in this style of singing?
- Do you know any of the origins of the Bulgarian singing style?
(cultural/historical etc.)
- How does the Bulgarian language affect the way Bulgarian music is
- Do you have any favourite solo singers and/or choirs who
specialise in Bulgarian singing? What are their names?
- Could you recommend any particular CD, literature, solo artist,
choir, researcher or teacher to assist me with my research?
- Is there any other information about Bulgarian singing that you
would like to share?
Please email your completed interview within three (3) weeks of
receipt to [email address]. If there is a problem with this
time-frame, please let me know and we will extend the interview
Jenny Sawer
1 June 2003