Archive of old news
- Jenny's original band played at Adore Tea on Friday August 27. Please see www.myspace.com/freyjasrain for more information.
- Jenny performed as a Fury with the Canberra production "The Gifts of the Furies" as part of Floriade at Old Parliament House on September 11, 18 and 25, 2010. This wonderful piece composed by Glenda Cloughley featured professional musicians from around Canberra, a massed choir drawn from A Chorus of Women and 666 ABC Choir. See the Chorus of Women website for more details.
- Jenny's rock covers band Nylon Blonde played at The Old Canberra Inn on Wednesday March 25 from 7 - 10pm and Sunday 3 May from 3 - 6pm. www.oldcanberrainn.com.au
- Jenny appeared in The Gifts of the Furies - a "Story Song" about climate change by Dr Glenda Cloughley on March 29 and 30 at University House, ANU. The performances was presented by A Chorus of Women with Wayfarers Australia and other choristers under the musical direction of Johanna McBride and Judith Clingan. See www.chorusofwomen.org/whatsnew.htm for more information
- Jenny sang in Benjamin Britten's wonderful Ceremony of Carols at St Philip's Anglican Church in O'Connor on Sunday December 7 at 7:30pm.
- Jenny appeared as an Angel with A Bunch of Posers roving in Civic on Saturday Dec 13 from 2:00-4:00pm and on Saturday 20 December from 6:30-7:30pm.
- Jenny's a capella vocal quartet "Faux pas harmonie" sang Christmas Carols in Civic near City Walk and at Gungahlin Marketplace in mid December.
- Jenny's duo UltraViolet performed at the following charity event on Saturday November 15.
Lighting Up the Moon 5.00-7.00pm.
A twilight fashion parade and wine tasting at Mount Majura Winery celebrated the rescue of over 250 Moon Bears in China and the 10th anniversary of the founding of Animals Asia.
Hosted by Mark Carmody from ABC News and Victoria from Victoria’s Models.
See www.animalsasia.org for more.
- Jenny appeared again as "Belshazzer's Queen" in the Wayfarer's production of the 13th century musical drama "The Play of Daniel" on Saturday 18 October at All Saints Ainslie, and on Sunday 19 October at St Saviours Anglican Cathedral Goulburn. Please contact Judy Clingan for more information.
- Jenny performed at Floriade in 2008 with A Bunch of Posers as a Singing Mermaid from 13-23 September every day between 11am and 2pm.
- In June Jenny appeared again as "Humility, Queen of the Virtues" in a reprise of
the production by CAMRA, "Ordo Virtutum" by Hildegard von Bingen. Check out the CAMRA website for more details.
- UltraViolet blues/pop duo performed at Wests in Jamison on Sunday 9 September and again on Sunday October 21 from 2-5pm.
- Jenny appeared as "Belshazzer's Queen" in the Wayfarer's production of the 13th century musical drama The Play of Daniel on Friday 5 October at All Saints Ainslie at 7:30pm and Saturday October 6 at Christ Church Queanbeyan at 7:30pm. Email Judy for more details at
- Jenny won the 2006 Adult Learner's week ACT award for most outstanding teacher for her work as choir director of "Out of the
shower and on with the show"! She has also been nominated for a National award. Please see www.decs.act.gov.au/services/AdultLearnersWeek.htm for more details!
- Jenny is now a staff member of "Rocking Horse Music" - see www.rockinghorsemusic.com.au for
- Jenny's site had a little technical trouble but is now back up at a new url.
- Jenny's jazz vocal group "Lush Life" performed at Brindabella Hills Winery near Hall on Sunday 5 November.
- Jenny appeared at Floriade 2006 with "A Bunch of Posers" as a roving singer, with performances
on the 14th and 15th Oct at Commonwealth Park. For other performances
check out their website: www.abunchofposers.com.
- Jenny appeared in a concert on 21 September 2006 for the International Day of Peace as the soprano soloist, featuring the premiere of a new work
entitled "Prayer for Peace" by Canberra composer Fiona Fraser and conducted by Judith Clingan.
- Jenny's jazz vocal group "Lush Life" performed at the Kingston Markets on Sunday August 27th
- Jenny is conducting "Lush Life", a small jazz/pop vocal group. Keep an eye out for upcoming gigs!
- "Out of the Shower, on with the show" won the 2005 ACT Adult Learners week award for community contribution.
- Jenny conducted Canberra Union Voices for a while when regular conductor Chrissie Shaw was away.
- Andante Andante sang for the King and Queen of Sweden in November 2005 at the Swedish Embassy.
- Jenny appeared as "Humility, Queen of the Virtues" in the
production by CAMRA, "Ordo Virtutum" by Hildegard von Bingen.
- Jenny and Michael Sawer are featured in Toccata!, Bernadette Cruise's latest collection of classical music profiles. You can purchase the book via Ginninderra Press.
The book was launched at the National Library of Australia on Wednesday 3 August 2005.